Saturday, March 22, 2014

Tick Tack Tock-Diane Anderson

This piece is made of two hand dyed pieces that I created in Heather's workshop from a couple of years ago.  I created circular and square holes, resulting in what I see is a tic tac toe motif.  The "play" of tic tac toe represents "Spring Break".  The clock in the middle reminds us that the play of Spring Break only lasts one week.  I used hand embroidery on this piece, which I love to do - it is artistic and therapeutic at the same time - Diane Anderson

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Head Shot - Cyndi Jarest

This is a photo shopped version of a picture of myself.  Decided to stitch it for this challenge.  I'm late to the game, but decided to give it a whirl with 12 (one a month) pieces 8x8.  Since it is March, I need to catch up! Cyndi.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Week #4 Words and Lettering  Robin Sruoginis

I have never quilted words before, not real sure why, so gave it a try.
This is a piece of experimental work with plaster fabric colored in with pencil and pastels. Free motion quilted the bird and hair, then added the words after a partial assembly for the page to be added into the journal. Tried something new where the face and bird are smaller then the whole, so the page that will eventually be the next page will show as part of this page. Confusing?? well, hopefully it will work.  
I think it still needs a bit more color, but am hesitant as I also like the stark contrast of black and white sketchy look. This measures a wonky 9 X 10

Week #5 Dimension     By Robin Sruoginis
 I LOVE! texture and dimension, and I've been goofing about and exploring some new ways to get mega texture, so, this week rocked.
Started on a piece of fabric, added ribbon flowers, lace, yarn and 3 pom poms and stuff from my detritus basket. Sewed it all down and gesso over the top. several layers of paint and paper later this is the result.
Measures 10 X 10.

Tended Thicket - Diane Anderson

I took two pages from a scrapbooking pad and collaged for two layers.  Then I started rummaging around my house and found these leaves (actually they are incense infusers!). When I found a broken garden stake , I knew I had my weekly piece to welcome the coming of Spring.  This piece is 8" x8".
--Diane Anderson